Aleksey Nemiro's curriculum vitae


2003 is the year of my rise and the year of my virtual death.

In April I wrote my first article on the topic of programming. And then the second and third.

I continued to master HTML and CSS. Instead of MS Word, I used Macromedia DreamWeaver, and then a regular notepad.

I was accepted into the development team of the VBNet.RU website and for the first time I became acquainted with web programming using ASP/VBScript and also began working with databases.

I created a new section on the VBNet.RU website - Workshop, and also significantly improved the forum.

Besides this, I made several XSS and SQL Injection vulnerabilities, which I quickly fixed myself.

Ultimately, I created my first web project in ASP - HyperTech.RU.

I continued to actively write programs in Visual Basic 6.0. But besides this, I began to work more actively with Delphi.

I worked in a notary office, creating documents. It was a boring routine. This was my first time using programming to make my work easier. As a result, it took me a couple of minutes to create one document. It was really fast. I was paid $400 a month and that was incredibly high.

In recent months I have been developing a game engine for creating RPG games. It was really interesting and I made some progress in this matter.

At the end of the year I had to stop my activities due to my military service.

Aleksey Nemiro

Applications for Windows

:star: Drawing Hours v3.0-v3.4 - skins for the standard clock on the Windows taskbar
:star: Notebook - text note program
:star: LinkWord - creating hyperlinks from text for SEO

Casual games

:star: Flying in Bottom - mouse clicker

Web projects


Collaborative web projects



:page_facing_up: Visual Basic: Анимация - это несложно! :ru:
:page_facing_up: Разработка окна в стиле Windows XP :ru:
:page_facing_up: Delphi 6.0: Первая DLL :ru:
:page_facing_up: Основы SQL :ru:

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